10 Halloween Safety Tips For Your Pets

Halloween’s coming and trick-or-treaters will be knocking at your door soon. Our pets like to join in on the fun, too. The holiday brings new faces and sweet treats, so take a moment to consider these ten Halloween safety tips for your pets:
1. Keep Halloween candy out of your pet’s reach. Sugar and chocolate are toxic to pets. Store your your candy buckets up high or secure them in a cupboard. It’ll save you a real scare.
2. Provide a safe place for your pet. If your pet is sensitive to noise and new people, he or she might not respond well to trick-or-treaters. Confine your pet in a quiet room during the activity.
3. Consider a noise machine. Pets that become anxious when they hear the doorbell ring or people knock might be soothed by a noise machine.
4. Carefully place candles or use electric ones. The Pet Poison Helpline reminds us to be careful about where we place candles. Like the Halloween candy, don’t place lit candles where your pet can tip them or try to play with them.
5. Secure the door! Your pet might seize an opportunity to run outside when you open the door for a new group of trick-or-treaters.
6. As always, check that your dog is wearing some form of identification or consider microchipping.
6. Don’t leave your pet unattended outside. Dog Trainer Kate Connick reminds us to bring our pets inside on Halloween to protect them from people who wish them harm, mischievous kids who might open the door, or candy that might be thrown.
7. Choose a comfortable costume. If your pet doesn’t mind wearing a costume, choose one that’s comfortable and safe. Make sure it doesn’t restrict your pet’s breathing or movement and check for pieces that may fall off and become a choking hazard.
8. Glow sticks and glow jewelry can harm pets. According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, the substance inside these toys isn’t likely toxic, but can cause discomfort.
9. It’s OK to leave your pet at home. Trick-or-treating may cause stress to some pets. It’s ok to make your pet comfortable inside your house while you enjoy the festivities.
10. If you think your pet has consumed anything harmful, call your vet’s emergency number or a pet poison hotline. Some 24-hour hotlines like the Pet Poison Helpline (1-800-213-6680) charge $30-60 per incident. The Kansas State Veterinary Teaching Hospital at 1-785-532-5679 offers free help between 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
We at In-Home Pet Sitters wish you all a safe and happy Halloween! Call us at 1-321-794-4477 to schedule in-home care or taxi services for your pet today.