Tips For Living With Your New Puppy: Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers continue to be one of America’s favorite breeds. Are you an owner of one of these loyal dogs? If so, here are some tips to help you enjoy life with your new puppy.
Labrador Retrievers are busy dogs at any age. Puppies are extremely active and can even become destructive. Many people have stories of labs tearing up flooring, walls, bedding, etc. Make sure you have the time to devote to a new puppy, so you don’t have your own stories to tell. This means paying attention to your lab and knowing when to say yes and/or no.
A quiet space such as a crate or kennel can be a life saver for families, as well as your new puppy. Labrador Retrievers will appreciate your efforts when it comes to offering them a space to feel safe. An enclosed space, can quickly become their space. The beauty of this, is the fact that you won’t have to worry about your shoes being chewed on, or your carpet destroyed.
Potty training your new puppy can be stressful. Make it as stress free as possible. Take a lot of outdoor walks, so your puppy quickly learns that outdoors is where the potty is.
Again, make sure you have time for these walks. It’s not uncommon for pet owners to bring a new puppy home when they have vacation time. This gives pet owners, as well as an opportunity for a new puppy to really get to know each other.
Most importantly, when you bring home a Labrador Retriever puppy, know that you will have a new best friend. Your lab will grow to love you, admire you and want to know everything about you. Invest in toys that will withstand destruction and be ready to play.
If you find yourself bringing a new puppy home and struggling to find the time to take him/her outdoors. Give us a call at 321-794-4477 and we will be happy to help!