Celebrate National Dog Biscuit Day with Your Tail-Wagging Friends
At In Home Pet Sitters we enjoy all kinds of pet-related celebrations! According to the National Day Calendar, today is recognized as National Dog Biscuit Day and we didn’t want you and your canine family members to miss it! How will you and your pals celebrate?
Dogs are great companions to their human counterparts day in and day out, and they deserve special recognition. What better recognition could you give them than they’re favorite treat? Whether you decide to finally try that homemade biscuit recipe or you reach for that special jar in the pantry, your pup is sure to be thankful. Check out our recent blog post here for some recipe ideas.
If you have a trip scheduled and you can’t take your pets along, don’t fret. Contact the pet sitting professionals at In Home Pet Sitters for true peace of mind while you’re away. As your resource for pet boarding in Melbourne, FL, we look forward to keeping your pets some well-deserved company, and maybe even sharing some biscuits!