Tips For Taking Your Dog To Work Day 2017

Did you know that the Friday following Father’s Day is Take Your Dog To Work Day? In case you are not planned for 2017, plan now to participate in 2018. Here are some tips on how you can make the most out of this day.
Many offices will let you participate in Take Your Dog To Work Day and many will not. Be sure you know the rules so you don’t find yourself in trouble with your boss. If your office does not participate, introduce the idea to your boss, you may be surprised to find your dog will be welcomed with open arms. Most importantly, respect the environment and your employers decision when it comes to Take Your Dog To Work Day.
Do you own a cat instead of a dog? The whole week between Father’s Day and this day is take your pet to work week. Again, make sure your employer supports this holiday. What’s not to love about introducing your four legged friends to your friends in the office, right?
Depending on the vibe in your office, your dog may actually help you increase your productivity for the day. Many times our beloved dogs will inspire us to work harder and dive in deeper to get a job done. Americans love their dogs (all pets) and this is one way to show your dog off and inspire you to get the job done!
If you choose to take your dog to work on this day, be sure you remember to “walk” your dog during your scheduled break times. When your dog accompanies you to work, your work day will change; which will mean you need to take that into consideration when planning your work day.
Taking your dog to work day, is one way that you can show off your dog and inspire others to be responsible pet owners. After all, if you have taken the time to take your dog to your place of work; you are a responsible pet owner that will set a fantastic example for those wishing to be dog owners.