Celebrating A Safe Easter With Your Pet

In Home Pet Sitters

Happy Spring! Many of the families we provide pet care for are preparing for Easter weekend celebrations. Easter often means guests, holiday meals, and egg hunts. Here are our top suggestions for making your celebration happy and safe for both you and your pet.

Watch where you put the sweet treats: Easter is full of many sweet treats like most holiday celebrations. In particular, Easter brings candy in the forms of Easter basket goodies, plastic eggs for egg hunts filled with candy, and Easter meal desserts. Make sure you elevate these sweets so that your pet can not access it. Sugar is not good for animals and chocolate is especially harmful. If you plan to host an egg hunt, consider placing your pet in separate room of your residence to make sure it doesn’t consume any candy.

Keep those Easter Lilies away from your cat! These beautiful white lilies signify spring and hope to many. Churches often host Easter Lily sales or give them to members. Unfortunately, they are incredibly toxic to cats. The Pet Poison Helpline notes that they receive hundreds of phone calls each Easter regarding pets poisoned by Easter lilies. Even the smallest amount of Easter Lily, such as a couple of leaves or the pollen can cause kidney failure. This toxicity is specific to cats, as dogs experience gastrointestinal issues if consumed.

Rethink buying Easter bunnies and chicks: Just like your cats and dogs, bunnies and chicks are creatures that need a lot of attention and care specific to their species. Some people are tempted to give them as Easter gifts to children, but don’t realize how much care they receive. Bunnies and chicks are cute in photographs, but grow into full-grown rabbits and chickens. They have their own environmental needs and diets that may require lots of preparation. Plus, your furry, four legged friend might not be so receptive to your new guests.


At In Home Pet Sitters, we want you  to enjoy a happy and safe Easter. Our caring pet sitters are carefully selected and trained to provide everything from cafe-free boarding to taxi services in the Melbourne Beach area. Call us at 321-794-4477 or send us an email for more information.


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