Summertime brings a season of fireworks and summer fun. Unfortunately, fireworks are not fun and games for our pets. Many pets are traumatized at the sound of fireworks. Here are some tips...
Summer is coming and it’s time to think about how you will keep your dog cool this summer. He has a coat of fur and he’s on a chain that’s connected to...
The best flooring for pet owners is often vinyl flooring. While many people wouldn’t think vinyl would be a very pet friendly flooring choice, new luxury vinyl flooring is an excellent choice, and it’s...
May is National Pet Month, time to celebrate. Every pet owner knows that their pet is not a possession—it is a family member! So, if you’re thinking about getting a pet, consider...
Adopting a pet from an animal shelter can be a rewarding experience. Did you know that April 30th is National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day? Here are some tips to help make...