Christmas time is when you think of treats for your pets. It’s sometimes hard not to give your pet that extra treat that you think they deserve. We’ve put together a list of...
About: In Home Pet Sitters
Recent Posts by In Home Pet Sitters
Celebrate Your Pet By Giving Back
This holiday season, celebrate your pet by giving back! One of the most rewarding parts of the holiday season is giving gifts to loved ones and showering them with homemade treats and...

Tips For Living With A Cat And A Christmas Tree
The holiday season is here and you are probably thinking about your cat and a Christmas tree. Wishful cats of all ages are preparing to enjoy their stockings filled with toys, catnip,...
Celebrate National Mutt Day
Join us today as we observe National Mutt Day. Twice a year on each December 2nd and July 31st, mutts get their days to shine. Colleen Paige, founder of National Dog Day, National Cat...

Celebrating Thanksgiving With Your Pet
Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to count our blessings with friends and family. Our furry, four-legged friends like to be a part of the celebration, too, whether it’s a big family gathering...
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