Owning a hamster can be an adventure and we have tips for new hamster owners to guide you through hamster ownership. Here at In Home Pet Sitters, we do care for pets...
About: In Home Pet Sitters
Recent Posts by In Home Pet Sitters
National Disaster Preparedness Month
Join us this September as we discuss National Disaster Preparedness Month. Even with the most careful preparation, some disasters happen without much warning. Summer storms, floods, earthquakes, and extreme winter weather are...
Rainbow Bridge Pet Remembrance Day
The hardest thing about owning a pet is saying goodbye. They become part of our family and an integral part of our lives. Coping with the loss of a beloved pet is...
Celebrate National Dog Day: August 26, 2016
It’s time to celebrate National Dog Day! August 26, 2016, is the day for all dog lovers to celebrate. We thought it would be fun to reflect on the different breeds of...
Flooring Ideas For Your Household With Pets
Let’s face it, flooring and pets can always be an interesting combination. Homeowners often think that soft, cushioned carpet will be the answer to their flooring needs. In all reality, the harder...
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