Some Things to Think About During Animal Poison Prevention Week
This week commemorates the 54th Annual National Animal Poison Prevention Week which also falls during Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month.
If your pets are anything like ours, they are curious and nosy, both figuratively and literally. Our homes are typically scattered with items that pose little threat to adults, but are poisonous to pets. In addition, some foods, like chocolate, are especially toxic to our furry friends. In honor of this pet poison-prevention focused week and month, here are some things to consider:
First things first, if you suspect that your pet has ingested something toxic, call your local vet immediately. Don’t rely on Google or Facebook to ask for help; call a medical professional right away. Most veterinarian clinics provide an emergency phone number in their voicemail recording or referral to their closest emergency, 24/7 vet clinics. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) also operates a 24/7 hotline specifically for emergencies. If you call this APCC hotline at (888) 426-4435, please note that they may charge a $65 consultation fee.
The ASPCA provides helpful lists of common chemicals and other poisons you want to keep far from your pet’s reach. These include household cleaning chemicals like bleach, Febreeze, vinegar & laundry tablets. If you are experiencing pest control issues in your home, be careful that your pet can not access things like mouse, rat, or bug poisons. Exposure to herbicides and pesticides may cause harm.
In addition to cleaning supplies, keep an eye on things that go in your medicine cabinet. Prescription meds, Ibuprofen, vitamins, and supplements should be locked tightly away from your pet. Essential oils are especially popular right now, too. Although they are naturally derived, they may also be toxic to animals.
Finally, for a a list of foods that may be poisonous to pets, check out the Humane Society’s resource.
We care for your pets like they are our pets. Give us a call at 1-321-794-4477 to learn more about how we can help care for your cats, dogs & small animals in your home or ours.